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Vertical blinds are practical, durable and easy to clean. Ideal for sliding doors and large windows. Available in slat widths of 90mm and 127mm, and comes in a large range of colours and textures.

Sun protection
The slats of these tend to be a lot thicker than Venetian blind slats. What this means is that you are offered greater control when it comes to privacy and light. Vertical blinds cover more of your window which reduces the amount of amplified sunlight that shines through your windows and into your home or office. Sun can cause terrible damage to your flooring and furniture not to mention your skin! Yes, that’s right, you can still suffer the harmful effects of UV rays from inside. By protecting yourself and your furniture you really can save a lot of money.


Sliding doors and windows

When it comes to sliding doors and windows that slide open, vertical blinds work a whole lot better than venetian. This is because they are more convenient to open and close allowing ease of access to your sliding doors and windows. With blinds that slide open and closed the same way that your doors and windows do, life becomes a whole lot easier.

Vertical Blinds

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